Short Stories and Creative Nonfiction Essays

Thursday, October 17, 2019

To Order

Order YA Fantasy Trilogy The Nameless Prince at Barnes and Noble: The Nameless Prince at B&N
Order The Royal Trinity Nameless Prince 2 at Barnes and Noble: The Royal Trinity at B&N

Both also available on Amazon and at Twilight Times:

The Nameless Prince
Seth Bauman has issues. His Mom split ten years ago, right after his birth, and guardian Uncle Troy won’t discuss the past. Seth’s only friend is Mexican immigrant Elena, whom he must walk home from school through Silverlake’s gang-ravaged streets. When Elena is abducted by local gang ‘the Mayans,’ Seth has no choice but to follow the Boatman of the L.A. River into the sprawling network of sewers and metro tunnels concealing Mayan headquarters. To Seth the great labyrinth unfolds as a magical realm called ‘the Interior,’ whose residents immediately deem him the ‘Nameless Prince’ of prophecy, sent to save them from peril.
       To find Elena, Seth embarks on an odyssey of riddles and self-discovery. Only in  ‘Interia’ is it safe to discover the truth about his past, and the forgiveness that will set him free. In rescuing Elena he rescues his own innocence. In fulfilling prophecy by learning his name, Seth discovers the greatness that lies within.

The Royal Trinity
It’s been five years since Seth rescued Elena—since he was the only one who could navigate all those abandoned metro tunnels and sewer systems and bring her back. They’re sophomores in high school now, but Elena’s stuffed away the trauma of her ordeal. She’s dating Ruben, new leader of the Mayans, the very gang who abducted her for ransom. Seth hasn’t forgotten the little girl he knew, imagines one day they’ll be together. But he knows you can’t save others from their demons. Under the guise of focusing on his studies, Seth’s forgotten the magic of his own childhood.

But one moonlit night, dragonfly Fidel appears on Seth’s windowsill, telling him Constantine’s in trouble. Seth’s taken back in time; Constantine, the Boatman was once his only friend. He, along with the Staff of Good Faith, guided Seth through the labyrinth to find Elena. What’s more, Uncle Troy reminds Seth of his lost twin deep in Interia. If he and his kingdom (quite possibly just a homeless colony) aren’t convinced to come out into the light, they’ll be trapped forever when the Modernization Project reroutes the freeway. ‘We’re talkin’ dynamite, Seth.’ Uncle Troy warns.

Seth’s left to decide whether the fanciful realm he imagined as a child was simply an escape, or represents a very real world in need of rescue. More importantly, he must decide whether he should protect his heart, or get involved and venture into a world he’s not even sure exists. Only in Interia will Seth learn it’s by saving others that we save ourselves…

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